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Bergs Escape - Only to Find Destruction!

Before some icebergs completely deteriorate, they may travel great distances.

Each spring, many icebergs set off on a suicidal one-way migration south, although the number that travel any great distance can vary greatly from year to year. For example, in 1988 only 187 icebergs were spotted off the coast of Newfoundland, Canada, but in 1994 there were 1,765.

Some of the Greenland bergs that enter the water at around 75° north latitude in Baffin Bay (Map), may end up travelling up to 4,000 km / 2485 miles south to around 40° north latitude (about the same latitude as New York City or Madrid) before they finally melt away.

Their travelling speed depends upon many things - size, shape, currents, waves, wind - and without navigators on board, the bergs often take meandering paths so that the distance travelled may be two or three times greater than the straight line distance.

Nevertheless, icebergs from Greenland have occasionally travelled as far as Bermuda and Ireland - well outside of the normal limit.

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Library: Arctic, Icebergs, Glaciers, Ice
Links: Arctic, Glaciers, Icebergs
Maps: Source of North Atlantic Icebergs
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Double-click any unlinked word DICTIONARY: Just "double-click" any unlinked word on this page for the definition from Merriam-Webster's Student Electronic Dictionary at Word Central.
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